Melinda Tamás
Intercultural Communication
Melinda Tamás studied cultural and social anthropology, human rights and international law.
Since 2001 she has worked as an independent human rights consultant. Furthermore, Melinda works as an educator, translator, author and scientific researcher for various academic institutions worldwide.
In this context, Melinda has designed and been responsible for the development and implementation of numerous participation and integration processes, anti-discrimination workshops, anti-racism workshops, violence- and extremism prevention and numerous educational projects in the field of arts and culture, workshops on intercultural communication, human rights, international law and gender democracy.
Melinda’s main working areas include research activities and publications on forms of social inclusion and exclusion, power relations and democracy education as well as the implementation of research results.
She works professionally in several languages and engages in art performances about what racism, discrimination and exclusion do and why they persistently live on.
Melinda will explore with the students how insights and strategies from different disciplines, including the arts, can be interwoven in order to achieve social change towards a world based on equal dignity of all human beings.