Founded by the pioneering initiative of the 1st student generation in 2013, THE BRIDGE is a student-initiated and student-led association established at the intersection of human rights theory and practice.
A particular focus of The Bridge is to do grassroots work and collaborate with other NGOs both in Vienna and elsewhere. The Bridge also hosts a blog, which aims to provide aspiring human rights practioners with a platform to address current human rights issues in order to engage the greater public in a constructive dialogue.
The blog is handed over from one generation of students to the other and currently run by the 8th generation of students of the Vienna Master of Human Rights, whose thought-provoking and inspirational articles can be found on the Bridge’s website.
Written through the human rights lens, these blog posts are tackling the emerging issues of the status quo, such as the on-going situation in the war-torn Yemen or the right to education in Moria refugee camp in the Aegean sea of Greece.
In a period where human rights work is at a turning point, presently the Bridge is working on linking the former generations of students and alumni of the predecessor program at the University of Vienna with the current students of the Vienna Master of Arts in Applied Human Rights at the University of Applied Arts Vienna.