Helena Gabriel, a Vienna Master alumna, is co-founder and Secretary General of UNSA Vienna (United Nations Students Association) and co-launched the “When the Climate Crisis claims your Home” Art Competition in order to offer a possibilty for young people to get creative and to bring about real change in the world. UNSA Vienna strongly believes that it is crucial to sensitize young people about this strong connection between the Climate Crisis and Migration.
Although migration as a result of natural disasters such as droughts, storms or floods is on the rise, it is not a very commonly discusssed topic. UNSA’s work aims at raising awareness about and promoting exchange on the topic of climate-related migration. UNSA wants to draw attention to the difficulties and especially the legal uncertainty that affected people face, since flight because of a natural disaster is not a part of the Geneva Refugee Convention.
If you want to participate in the Art competition, you can do so until 6 February 2021. See more information HERE.
Together with UNCHR Austria, the city of Vienna, the World Museum Vienna and others, the Vienna Master is honoured to be part of the jury, which will be selecting the top submissions.